Squeezing The Lemons The Site

Pet Peeves of the Day
My Two Cents
The Truth about Taxes
Talking Out of Both Sides of Their Mouth
There You Go Again...
Pet Peeves of the Day
Fear-mongering Version 2.0

How far have we REALLY Evolved??

So, I just came back in from walking one of my dogs in the neighborhood and these three 20-something guys ( I know, I was wondering why it took so many to do this, too. Maybe they are getting ready for the roles in Three Men and a Puppy) are walking their 3-month old puppy.  Fortunately, I was walking my grand dame who is old enough that she really doesn't care about many things anymore -- the bliss of the Golden Years! 
Now, I may assume that many people see things like I do a lot, but I thought it was just simple pet companion etiquette to try and be on the opposite side of the sidewalk, parking lot, etc. whenever one human with dog sees another coming in their direction.  You never know how sociable the other dog may be, and there is really no need to get another dog all riled up ( and the human at the other end of the leash all flustered) as they work out the aftermath.  But not these guys!  Here they come walking right at me and Alexa, even acknowledging us and seeming amused to see how their dog will react, like a pack of doe-does!!!
I feel sorry for the dog and hope it doesn't have issues because of the lack of common sense and courtesy displayed by it's human companion.  But I bet these are the same guys that cut you off and then slam on their brakes, too.

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