Having Their Cake & Eating It, Too
I have to admit that I am really in awe of the size
of the cojones some Republican governors are carrying these days ( even if one technically does not have any).
As the stimulus bill made its way through Congress, there were three confirmed no way governors - Mark Sanford, South Carolina,
Rick Perry, Texas, and a late entry from Sarah Palin, Alaska. Now that the stimulus bill has been signed by President
Obama, I see these outspoken, anti-stimulus GOP govs reconsidering their position with the bucks coming into view.
One of the most head scratching of the Republican governors is
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. Now Sanford has made a reputation for his frugalness with taxpayer monies dating back
to the days of his time in Congress. It was well known that he refused to spend money on a home in D.C., choosing
instead to sleep on a cot in his office during his 6 years in the House of Representative and showering in the legislative
branches's gym.
So it came as no surprise that he was outspokenly against the entire stimulus
package (at least where the government spending was concerned, anyway). After saying that his state won't accept the
money and people on right-wing blogs naming an amendment to the bill that would allow the funds to be accepted
by a state legislature if the governor won't accept them after Sanford, he now says that his administration is looking at
the bill and how it could affect South Carolina before they make any decision.
Texas Governor Rick Perry was also just as quick to lash out against the
pitfalls of the proposed stimulus package. However, he was fast to have his spokespeople put out statements that gave
Perry wiggle room to talk out of both sides of his mouth.
On February 9, one spokeperson said to the Dallas Morning News: "The governor continues to oppose the bailout, but
if Congress does allocate taxpayer money, a lot of which is from hard-working Texans, then Texans deserve their fair share."
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show
the evening the bill was signed backtracking from his tough stance on the bill to say he will accept the money for his
state. He continued to say that the bill could have been better written with true bipartisanship and that
it could have contained less money to work more effectively. However, with the money in sight, Pawlenty rationalized
that since Minnesota takes so little federal money and gives so much he will accept the funds on behalf of the deserving
citizens of Minnesota.
Still waiting to see one Republican governor that spoke out so loudly about
the evils of this bill and how it would be the beginning of more big government just point blank say, "No way, uh-uh
not taking any of the money!" How serious are you about opposing the stimulus, people? Because when you are as fast
to hold out your hands (even if you feign resistance like your arm was twisted to take the money) as the people honest enough with
themselves and their own state's situation- like Charlie Crist- to embrace it, you are a hypocrite that is talking out of
both sides of your mouth.