Squeezing The Lemons The Site

Fear-mongering Version 2.0
My Two Cents
The Truth about Taxes
Talking Out of Both Sides of Their Mouth
There You Go Again...
Pet Peeves of the Day
Fear-mongering Version 2.0

The year has moved along and we still seem to be looking for the bottom economically.  One of the saddest things that I have seen is just how much our country seems to no longer want to look out for each other anymore.
We truly are our brother's keepers, yet even people that state they are liberal Democrats are saying things reminiscent of the Republican viewpoint of 'Your on your own'.  Case in point, the housing crisis. When you look at comments made by our neighbors you have to wonder.  In Maryland a lady asked about Obama's housing plan and people who hadn’t overreached but had lost their down-­payment money when the value of their homes had dropped she replied, "We put money in a 401(k), and we lost that money, and no one is going to give it back.”
And so the attitude of 'no one helped me so why should I help them?' continues.  I don't know if it is because people are just so scared, some people, Republicans included, just want to view things as being in black and white or people just don't try to place themselves in other people's shoes anymore. Regardless of the reasons, some in our country just don't want to think about other's plights during this truly scary crisis we all face.  One thing about it, if we don't come together we will fail divided.

The Harm Caused by Rush Limbaugh & Conservative Talk Radio


  I'm reading the online version of Alabama's state papers, and I run across another article about voters and the election on Tuesday.


  But what catches my eye is a quote by a young lady in Autauga County ( a north neighbor of Montgomery) who is the mother of four,  32-years-old and will be voting on what is also her birthday for the very first time in her life. I go on to read the article and see the state Republican Party chairman calling Obama a Socialist and a Marxist and read a wonderful quote of an Obama supporter who is a coal miner in Tuscaloosa County (an area I am VERY familiar with).


  And then the next line hits me in the stomach and makes me so very angry.  Mona Crocker of the small Coffee County hamlet of Arcus isn't so sure Obama isn't a socialist. She said she heard that on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, and she believes it.

"He wants to raise taxes on people like me who have worked for what we got and then give it to people who haven't ever been willing to work hard. He also wants to give everybody free (health) insurance and who do you think will pay for that? People like me," Crocker said.

  When did we as Americans turn our brains over to a bunch of loudmouths on the radio?  I know the date, but the very fact of it still galls me.  And the American public holds the mainstream media in such disdain as a result of the constant repetition of media bashing by these very people!  Limbaugh and his ilk have twisted facts and been shown to be out-right wrong on so many topics, and I am not just talking politics.  When they are called out for the error they just continue with the "facts" they want to tell anyway.

  And so this is who Ms. Crocker is allowing to "educate" her on the candidates this year?????  It isn't that I feel superior to her, because I don't.  If I could talk to her in person, I would do my best to try and talk to her about the issues that she has been fed a pile of horse rubbish by people like Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly and all the blowhards on conservative talk radio.

  Think of the millions of dollars Limbaugh has made sitting on his butt abusing the use of the American public's airwaves with his twisting of the facts, disregard for the facts and intolerance towards race, the disabled and women.  When you think of what Bill O'Reilly has done it should make a reasoned person want to hurl!

  Earlier this week, I applauded Shephard Smith for questioning Joe the Plumber the way ANY journalist should have.  Because Shep works for the "Fair and Balanced" network of Fox TV made it truly newsworthy.  However, I don't want to give them too much credit.  I know that the network's owner, Rupert Murdoch, is reading the political tea leaves and sees that the winds are changing in America.  He has charged certain people at the network to start turning down the right-wing rhetoric because, come Tuesday, the odds are good that the right won't be in charge anymore.

  But when one looks at the state of affairs in political discourse in this country, where people have electrified their McCain signs to keep them from being swiped and spray-painted Obama's logo on their front yard after repeated signs were stolen it should make us all take pause.  Conservative talk made big bucks for a lot of people involved with AM Radio, but it also helped fuel the intense animosity that has existed within this nation for almost 8 years.

  They have taken people who may be less educated than myself or poorer than you that are afraid of certain things and certain issues within society and exploited that fear for their own access to power.  "He wants to raise taxes on people like me who have worked for what we got and then give it to people who haven't ever been willing to work hard. He also wants to give everybody free (health) insurance and who do you think will pay for that? People like me," Crocker said.

  Who exactly do you think Ms. Crocker is talking about when she says that Obama wants to give what she and others have worked hard for to people who haven’t ever been willing to work hard?  While Coffee County is home to Enterprise and is close to Ft. Rucker, it is still 75% white, with a median income of $36,370 (a little below the state’s average), it’s industries include educational, health and social services (20.4%), Manufacturing (16.9%), Retail trade (13.3%). 
  And in 2004, the lion’s share of it’s population voted for Bush/Cheney (Republican): 73.9% and the remaining folks Kerry/Edwards (Democratic): 25.4%.   So in short order a perfect Republican hamlet.  But why do people think that the stereotypical black person on welfare that they also think is lazy is who will benefit under an Obama presidency?  Why does that stereotype even still exist?
It has always baffled me how the people that are not receiving anything from the tax-cuts given by the Bush administration are some of the most staunch defenders of it.  And the ones railing so against the taxcuts  proposed by Sen. Obama.  Most of us in this country make nowhere close to $250,000, so how exactly is it that Obama is going to raise our taxes?
  You know, in the Civil War the interests that took the South to war were approximately 1% of the total population at the time.  So it was the people that worked and sweated and toiled to survive and were largely ignored by this wealthy class that ended up fighting and dying for their cause.  Sadly, that manipulation hasn't ended since the war did and it has manifested itself into today's Republican Party. 
What a civic duty Rush Limbaugh and the rest of conservative talk radio's talking heads are performing for this wonderful country and the people who choose to allow them to do their thinking for them!

Who Needs Facts When You Are Losing Control?


Okay, already!  All of you Republican elected representatives and talking heads have beaten me into submission.  Since I believe that our society can and should have a more even playing field for all, that being born in one class doesn't relegate you to stay there for the rest of your life and that the Bible is right when it teaches, "Unto those which much is given unto them much is expected," I am a Socialist.  I am a closet Marxist, and if it makes you feel any better to just hurl about more names, I'll be a communist, too.


I never used the childhood rhyme, "I’m rubber, you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."  But maybe things in our political culture would actually get to the issues if people viewed that tactic in another light.  "I’m human, and so are you; what I say and do speaks of me, and what you say and do speaks of you."


As I often note, I am from northeast Alabama.  I was a weird child as I would stand in the checkout line with my mom and read US News and World Report when I was in 2nd grade.  I watched ABC World News Tonight with Frank Reynolds every night and knew that I wanted to be a journalist at about the same time, too. 


But my state is a complicated situation on SO many levels and politics doesn't get a free pass from that.  I'm still waiting for someone to REALLY explain to me why there is a need for buzzwords like " X candidate believes in Alabama values" in our political lexicon? I still don't even think the phrase means a blooming thing --  what exactly are Alabama values?  And how exactly are they different from North Carolina Values? 


Age brings about more than the battle against laugh lines.  By the time I was a senior in high school, I decided the reason all of the political gurus used this tactic was that those buzzwords keep the candidates from having to TALK about issues that Alabama voters really need to know where they stand. A.K.A. the candidate can get elected without ever committing to doing very much. I've seen a North Carolina politician drag out the phrase here this season, too.  All that I can see is it just sets up a belief -- or plays upon one that already exists- that some how one state, one section of the region is better than another.  And for some, it is probably  code for saying,  "This guy is one of us."


So how can a thinking person not come to the conclusion that characterizing Obama's ideas as dripping with socialist ideologies or that Obama is a Marxist is making use of the same distraction tactics?   I guess more people than Southerners have problems with change, at least depending on what age demographic you are, anyway. 


Except for football Saturdays, I don't really see where it is so hard to simply co-exist with each other.  A home, a country is always stronger when it is united.  You live and work along side people, not ideologies.  I don't know many people who don't want to feel safe in their neighborhoods, provide for their families, give their children a quality education and see them do better once they grow up than they did. 


Wanting to have a level playing field doesn't mean you want somebody to hand you everything on a platter without you doing any of the work or contributing any of the elbow grease.  It simply means that you want to have a shot at accomplishing more than your parents did, even if you didn't have the good fortune of having a grandfather, a father who were highly regarded brigadier generals in the Navy. 


Like my parents always say: Opinions are like arm pits.  Everybody has one and sometimes they stink.  Now, obviously my parents aren’t always as poetic in their observations as some, but the saying is true.  Just because one doesn’t agree with the opinion of someone else doesn’t mean that solutions cannot still be achieved if everyone is willing to work together.  For too long, the end game in this country has been forcing opinions onto others with little thought to the ideals of the other side of the issue.  And I don't know what to call the right wing mouthpiece in Minnesota that said equality isn't an American ideal!  Well, he is proving my above comment. Mom always says that if I can't say anything nice not to say anything at all, so I will leave it at that. 


I guess it just means that my heart, my ability to see the world beyond the lens of how EVERYTHING affects me and me only is what sets me, and others like me, apart from those folks clambering so as McCain constantly distorts what Obama seeks to accomplish when he speaks of spreading the wealth. Obama has been consistent in his idea for change in our society.  I have heard the audio from 1991 of a law student talking with a high school class about what their impact could be on the world.  Law student Obama sounds just like Sen. Obama today.


But don't bother to check out those buzzwords that get so quickly thrown about and what they actually mean. No, just stay stirred up like a yellow jackets' nest after the lawn mower goes over the hive a few times.  Parents, grandparents, overlook the fact that McCain classifies college students who might need student loans as one of the interest groups that he would overlook if elected.  Just stay bitter in your view of others different from yourself and negative when failures happen in your life and blame as much as you can on someone else.  Don’t look at the similarities you might have with groups with other ideas different from your own that you might share.  It has served us really well over the last 8 years now, hasn’t it?