Squeezing The Lemons The Site

There You Go Again...
My Two Cents
The Truth about Taxes
Talking Out of Both Sides of Their Mouth
There You Go Again...
Pet Peeves of the Day
Fear-mongering Version 2.0

Say What??
“The federal money in this bill will run out in less than three years for this benefit and our businesses would then be stuck paying the bill,” Jindal said. “We must be careful and thoughtful as we examine all the strings attached to the funding in this package. We cannot grow government in an unsustainable way.” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
"And first off the government doesn’t create jobs. Let’s get this notion out of our heads that the government creates jobs. Not in the history of mankind has the government ever created a job,” - newly elected RNC chairman Michael Steele.
I guess my family's friend that retired from the county constable's office didn't really  have a job, eh ( the economy now has her back in the workforce due to all of the money her state retirement account lost last year)?  I know this is old news, but when the economy is in the tank and people are scared about how they are going to make it through, something this stupid has to be remembered.